Introduction Package - ISOM Bible School

Introduction Package

Introduction Package (via Mail)

Contains a USB-Stick with 5 sample courses, the book "Unlocking the Abraham Promise", and the ISOM catalogue.
15,- Euro
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Introduction Package (Download)

Contains the e-book "Unlocking the Abraham Promise"
and Online Access to the sample courses.
15,- Euro
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Total:0,00 Euro
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Introduction Package (via Mail)

Book – Unlocking the Abraham Promise
History & Vision of the ISOM Bible School

USB-Stick with five video lessons

  1. Foundations of Faith – Teacher: Bayless Conley
  2. Supernatural Life – Teacher: A.L. Gill
  3. New Testament Overview – Teacher: John Amstutz
  4. Praise and Worship – Teacher: LaMar Boschman
  5. The Fear of the Lord – Teacher: John Bevere

Catalogue of the ISOM Bible School

Introduction Package - ISOM Bible School